
Sarah Atherton - HeadteacherWelcome to Churchfields Primary School – whether you are new to the school or have had your children attending here for many years, I wish you a warm welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

Churchfields Primary School was founded in 1890 and we moved to our current site in 1990. In 2017, we joined a small group of like-minded schools as part of the Quality First Education Trust (Q1E) which allows us to collaborate and support each other to continually improve.

We were pleased to announce that Churchfields Primary School was graded 'Good' following our Ofsted inspection in October 2023, with the report noting that "Churchfields Primary School is a warm and welcoming place. Pupils, staff, parents and carers are all proud to be part of this community." and "The provision for pupils’ personal development is impressive and consistently of high quality. It is underpinned by the school’s core values of aspiration, citizenship and excellence."

We pride ourselves on providing a well-rounded, broad and balanced education for all of the children we serve. We want all children to achieve their full potential across the whole range of subjects that we offer and believe that children should get the best provision possible in all areas of the school and also get the right support when and if they need it.

Our staff are well trained and supported to do this by the school and the Q1E Trust. They have great resources to offer the children (such as an extensive library, art room and playing fields) and we also have specialist teaching in art and design, Spanish, computing, physical education and forest school to enable children to thrive and develop their abilities to the full.

We strive to offer a great balance between academic achievement whilst also nurturing the individual development, interests and talents of each child as they learn and grow from age 3 to 11. You will find examples of how we support this across the school on our Vision and Values page, in our teaching of how to be an Excellent Learner and also in our LEARN approach to the curriculum.

Your child’s primary school experience will be a strong influence on their childhood and we aim to make the children’s time with us as memorable and enjoyable as possible with a wide range of visits, residential trips, visiting speakers, leadership opportunities, enrichment clubs, competitions and events.

As a parent/carer, you also join the school and you will find that Churchfields has an exceptionally friendly and committed community of children, families and staff ready to welcome you. The PTA is very active in organising community events as well as fundraising for the school – have a look at their page here.

We are very proud of what Churchfields has to offer and we hold tours throughout the year so that you can see the school in action. If you would like to book on a school tour or would like to find out more, please email admin@churchfields.q1e.org.uk or call the school on 020 8650 5247.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

With best wishes,

Sarah Atherton
