
Welcome to Nursery


Our class is Apple Tree and our class email address is

Our teachers are Mrs Burn – Class Teacher and Mrs Thornton – Teaching Assistant.


What we are learning

Our Topic for the first half of the Summer Term is  ‘Holidays and Travel’  we will be focussing

The children will be encouraged to talk about what they see, make links to their own experiences and listen to others. 

We have a news sheet on the Nursery board with more detail on what the children will be learning this half term


Reading – Sharing books with your child really helps them to learn about the world around them and to start thinking about language.

We are happy to share the books from our book corner.  Please return them by putting them into the box outside the classroom before you take another one.


Homework – Bring in a postcard/photo of a holiday trip for your child to talk about week 3.


Forest School is on a Tuesday afternoon this term. Bring wellies in a plastic bag if you don’t want your child using the school wellies. We do have all in one outer coats for the children to use over their coats.


Communications between home and school

Please don’t hesitate to contact us on our class email address if you have any concerns or questions at  

If you need to speak to us directly about anything, then after school when you pick up your child is the best time.

Thank you for your support.

The Nursery Team