
Welcome to Nursery


Our class is Apple Tree and our class email address is

Our teachers are Mrs Burn – Class Teacher and Mrs Thornton – Teaching Assistant.


Our Topic for the Second half of the Spring Term is  ‘Houses and Homes’ we will be focussing on Traditional Tales and Nursery Rhymes.

The children will be encouraged to talk about stories, make links to their own experiences and listen to others. 


Reading – Sharing books with your child really helps them to learn about the world around them and to start thinking about language.

We are happy to share the books from our book corner.  Please return them by putting them into the box outside the classroom before you take another one.


Optional Homework – Make a den at home. Decide who is going to live there.  What things will you have in it? Take a picture of you playing in it.  Share with your Class Teacher.


Forest School is on a Thursday afternoon this term.  Their wellies stay in school for this every week.  They wear school uniform as usual.  Remember wool hats and gloves for the colder weather.  They will also need an extra pair of warm socks.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us on our class email address if you have any concerns or questions at


Please let me know any changes at home to the routine that may affect your child emotionally during the day.


Thank you for your support.

Mrs Burn