SEND Resources for parents

Resources to support SEND at home


Below is a list of SEND resources you may find useful at home. They have been divided into the four areas of SEND need, for ease and convenience.


Communication and Interaction (including Speech & Language)


Oak academy communication and language lessons

A directory of activities and resources to support development of specific speech, language and communication needs, Searchable by age phase, subject, target and level of attainment.

A range of resources to help parents develop children speech and language needs.

Games and activities to support speech and language needs.

A guide to android apps to support complex communication needs

Activities to support children and parents using PECS (Picture Exchange)


Social, Emotional and mental health


A range of resources, games etc. to support different areas of mental health; anxiety, anger, emotions, mindfulness etc.

Resources aimed at autistic pupils, but could be used with others to support change, particularly around COVID 19.

A range of social stories and resources around a lot of different life issues, including COVID 19, which can be used to support children’s understanding.

iPad Apps for Complex Communication Support Needs

Create a free account to access certain activities and resources to support mindfulness and well-being.

A selection of games to play to build children’s social and emotional awareness


Cognition and learning



Oak academy lessons to support children with additional needs in specific areas of maths.

iPad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculia/Numeracy Difficulties

Resources to support teaching to tell the time

Active games to support maths learning

Virtual physical resources to help children understand maths, cubes, tens frames, number lines, bead strings, and many more!




Android Apps for Learners with Dyslexia / Reading and Writing Difficulties

Free Powerpoint Books for Young Readers

List of Dyslexia friendly books

Multisensory stories for downloading using signs, props, movement etc. to engage children with special needs.

Free e-book library, select by age group



Comic books that can be downloaded and support learning in different areas of the curriculum, aimed at KS2

Early develop lesson for pupils working below Year 1 level.

Ways to use technology to Support Learners with Dyslexia

Resources to support SEND learning

iPad Apps for Learners with Complex Additional Support Needs

iPad Apps for Learners with Dyslexia

A list of free or cheap apps for developing a range of learning skills

Funky feet dance and movement videos

Resources, activity and lesson ideas for literacy, numeracy, behaviour and social skills of needs including social skills.

Accessible learning games for English, maths, memory and typing skills



Sensory and/or physical needs


Oak academy lesson to support children with additional in in their physical development

Support for autistic learners with sensory processing, ideas for activities, resources and guidance for those supporting them

A guide to using the iPad to Support Learners with Physical Difficulties

Using the iPad to Support Learners with Visual Difficulties

Using Windows 10 'Accessibility' Tools to Support Learners with Visual Difficulties

10 weeks’ worth of videos with activities to develop children fine motor skills

Multisensory stories for downloading using signs, props, movement etc. to engage children with special needs.

Dance mat typing to develop typing skills, different levels of challenge.

Learn British sign language fun videos

Self-help and independence


Oak academy lesson developing life skills such as dressing, personal care etc.

Resources aimed at supporting children with autism develop essential life skills such as personal hygiene, self-care, safety, managing work and leisure activities.