Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Our classes are Elm and Oak.


Elm: Your teacher is Mrs Blundell. 

Your class email address is


Oak: Your teacher this year is Miss Byrne. 

Your class email address is


In English this term, we are beginning with reading a contemporary detective novel, Lori and Max.  We move on to studying the poetry of Karl Nova and his book, Rhythm and Poetry. We are excited for the guest appearance from Karl Nova himself who will teach and perform some poetry to the children. After half-term, we will be reading a text linked to our topic of World War 2.

We will be covering a range of writing styles, including fiction, non-fiction, formal and informal writing.  During this term, we will also be making sure the children have covered the appropriate grammar knowledge from last year and this.


In Maths we will be following our Maths No Problem curriculum. We will start by recapping on our knowledge of place value and spending time ensuring that the children’s number skills and calculation strategies are at the correct level. We will then move onto building our fluency when using decimals, fractions and percentages.


In Science this half term, we will learn about Electricity and how it travels. We will use a range of equipment to create different circuits and investigate how and why components work.  


In Topic this term, our work will revolve around the Second World War. We will explore how the war began, how people’s lives were affected during the time and important dates and events. We will be going on a school trip to Chislehurst Caves to explore WW2 shelters. Details to follow.



This year Elm class have PE on Monday and Thursday.

This year Oak class have PE on Tuesday and Friday.

Every child needs to bring in a full PE kit including a top of their house team’s colour, clean socks and suitable trainers.  Please make sure they also have a tracksuit for when the weather gets colder.  This needs to be taken home at the end of the week and washed before returning the following week.


Forest school will take place every other half term afternoon.

Our first sessions will be in autumn 2 (after half term).

Elm class have sessions on Tuesdays.

Oak class have sessions Mondays.


If you need to speak to us directly about anything, please use the class email to arrange an appointment.


Thank you for your support.