Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Our classes are Hickory and Maple.


Hickory: Your teacher is Mrs Hennessy.

Your class email address is

Maple: Your teacher is Miss Adel.

Your class email address is


In English this term, we are beginning with consolidation of the work the children completed in Year 1. We will begin by reading On Sudden Hill and The Proudest Blue to build on our knowledge of sentence structure and the use of adjectives.

We will then explore non-fiction texts based on the Great Fire of London. We will make links to our history topic by writing a diary entry from the perspective of Samuel Pepys.


In maths, we will be continuing to follow our Maths No Problem scheme. We begin the year by revising our knowledge of place value before moving on to the formal methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using two digit numbers. Throughout these units of work, the children will be developing their knowledge and understanding of numbers up to 100.


In science, we will be learning about habitats.

We will be identifying and comparing the difference between things that are living, dead and have never been alive. We will also explore a range of habitats within the school grounds and describe how these habitats provide for the needs of plants and animals that inhabit them.


In topic, we will be learning about The Great Fire of London.

Through analysing historical sources, we will investigate the cause of the fire. We will also explore the fire’s aftermath and the rebuilding of London.


In art, we will be starting our year with colour theory work, investigating colours and how they work together in a variety of different ways.  We

will be looking at colour families and cool and warm colours.


In computing, we will be learning how to type. The children will be using their skills to create power point presentations about the Great Fire of London.



PE lessons are on the following days:

Hickory – Thursdays and Fridays

Maple – Wednesdays and Fridays

Please can your child attend school in their school uniform with their PE kit in their bag. Children will take their PE kit home at half term.

Every child needs to bring their full PE kit including a top in their house team’s colour, clean socks and suitable trainers.


Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.  


Please don’t hesitate to contact us on our class email address (above) if you have any concerns or questions.


If you need to speak to us directly about anything, after school when you pick up your child is the best time.


Thank you for your support.