Extra-curricular Clubs

'We aim high by letting our interests and talents grow'


The school offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. These take place before or after school.


Spring Term 2025


Please see our extracurricular club timetable below. All contact and booking information for the clubs at the end of this page. Please note: Clubs have a minumim number to run. 


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Any changes to the running of the clubs will be communicated to you by an email or a text message. 

Childcare vouchers can not be accepted as a form of payment for enrichment clubs.

For all enrichment clubs related matters, email admin@churchfields.q1e.org.uk


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School-run Clubs


Children will be approached at the beginning of an academic year/term to sign themselves up for the lunchtime clubs. These clubs should not be considered interventions. 


Externally-run Clubs


For clubs run by external providers, application and payment forms are issued directly by these organisations and should be made directly to them. 

There are a limited number of places in each club and once all the places are taken you will no longer be able to enrol. Some external providers will offer a waitlist, please check directly with them. 


Chaos Art Club 

M: 07952 270 911 Chaosclub2@tiscali.co.uk 

Art Flyer and registration


Churchfields School Choir 

To register your interest in joining choir, please send an email with your child's name and class to choir@churchfields.q1e.org.uk



EWTB Coaching – Football, Multisports and Basketball Clubs

T: 07535 748738 https://ewtbcoaching.class4kids.co.uk/  marc@ewtbcoaching.com



Fizz Pop Science

Croydon Branch T: 01293 855343  Website  croydon@fizzpopscience.co.uk



Inkhead - Creative Writing 

M: 07943 514408  www.inkhead.co.uk  info@inkhead.co.uk  

Tuesday Flyer  Friday Flyer  


J'amies Gymnastics Academy - Gymnastics

T: 02084641477   www.jamiesgymnasticacademy.co.uk   enquires@jgagroup.co.uk 



Lorna's Tennis

M: 07881 524 538  lornastennis@gmail.com


Premier Chess Coaching

 M: 07525164463  www.premierchesscoaching.com  tomer.eden@premierchesscoaching.com



Prostars - Football & Multisports & Girls only football

T: 02084646453   M: 07957949198   www.prostarsfootball.co.uk   prostarsfootball@hotmail.com 

After School Flyer  

After School enrolment form 

Girls only Football Flyer 

Girls only Football enrolment form


Spotlights Theatre School

T: 0208 460 5711 hello@spotlights.co.uk



Wildlife Wonders

M: 07521433109 Wildlifewondersuk@outlook.com 

Booking link: https://www.wildlifewondersuk.co.uk/book-online 

Please note this clubs is for 6 weeks only