Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Our classes are Rowan and Silver Birch.

Rowan: Your teachers are Ms Munnis and Miss Francis .

Your class email address is

Silver Birch: Your teacher is Miss Akhtar. 

Your class email address is:


In English this term we will begin by reading a classic of children’s literature -The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. They will also be writing non-narrative descriptions of Fred the bear’s café. After this, children will be reading two books by Rachel Bright – The Lion Inside and The Squirrels who squabbled, to allow them to write their own narratives. Children will then be exploring a range of contemporary poems by Joseph Coehlo, leading to them writing their own riddles and other forms of poetry. We finish the term by exploring a further book by Judith Kerr – Mog’s Christmas Calamity.


In maths we will be continuing to follow our ‘Maths No Problem’ scheme. We start the term consolidating our knowledge of the different methods of subtracting we have learnt. They will gain an understanding of ordinal language, using words such as ‘first’, ‘second’ and ‘third’, as well as directional language for left and right. By the end of the half term, the children will have learnt how to count, compare and order numbers to 20 in a range of contexts. They will also learn how to red, write and manipulate equations using these numbers.  


In science we will be learning about materials. They will develop their scientific enquiry skills by planning and carrying out their own experiments to test how absorbent and waterproof different materials are, before evaluating their findings and summarising their results.


In topic we will be learning about how life has changed in their living memory. They will then explore how technology has changed the way we communicate over time and also how toys have changed.


In art will be looking at complementary colours and their uses.





In computing, our focus is Technology around us.

We will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help in our everyday lives. 

We will start to become familiar with the different components of a computer by developing our keyboard and mouse skills.

We will also consider how to use technology responsibly, creating a variety of art work.



Rowan Class PE: Wednesday & Thursday

Silver Birch PE: Monday & Tuesday


Please can your child attend school in their school uniform with their PE kit in their bag. Children will take their PE kit home at half term.

Every child needs to bring their full PE kit including a top in their house team’s colour, clean socks and suitable trainers.


Water Bottles:

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school.


If you need to speak to us directly about anything, please use the class email to arrange an appointment.


Thank you for your support.

Miss Akhtar, Ms Francis & Ms Munnis